Software Business Srl

Software Business proposed a SAP document management that is structured in such a way as to cover both the need for pure digital archiving documents and to be in compliance with the current tax laws.

Below is the solution SAP CS and the main flows (assets and liabilities) chart related to document management.

SAP Content Server – Repository for SAP DMS

The SAP Content Server (SAP CS) is a separate server that is used to store different types of content such as scanned documents, images, invoices, electronic documents, etc. It is an excellent document management system that SAP provides to its customers. Documents and data can be stored securely on both DB MAXDB or filesystem. SAP Content Server is integrated via http interface and can be operated and/or monitored directly from the SAP system. The goal of SAP CS is to decrease the SAP database from archiving documents in a content server using its own database.

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The SAP CS cornerstone points:

  • Very easy to use and easy to configure
  • It offers flexible and scalable architecture
  • Possibility of installing on the file system or database repository
  • Secure storage that supports the security certificates
  • Reduces the load on the SAP database and improves the efficiency of access to documents
  • Automatic Backup
  • SAP Content Server is available on various Operating Systems

Listed below are some of the areas of solution interventions we provide for the SAP platform in the Document Management System field:

  • Integrated management of active flow documents in SAP
  • Management of all documentation relating to the SAP Sales Offers
  • Automatic Storage Management of PDF Sales Order Confirmations
  • Management of all documentation relating to SAP Sales Orders
  • PDF archiving. Scans of delivery notes signed by the transporters and automatic document classification
  • Automatic Storage Management of PDF Sales invoices that come in SD or IFI
  • PDF archiving. Scans of customs bills for extra CE bills
  • Automatic PDF Storage Management of conformity declarations related to sales invoices
  • Management of various documents related to the SAP Sales Invoice
  • Automatic PDF Storage Management of customer reminders related to accounting entries in SAP FI
  • Integrated management of the passive flow documents in SAP
  • Automatic Storage Management of PDF Requests
  • Various annexes for Quotation Requests
  • Automatic Storage Management of PDF Purchase Order Confirmations
  • Automatic Storage Management of PDF Delivery Plans
  • Various annexes for Purchase Orders
  • PDF archiving. Scans of sealed entry goods
  • Automatic PDF storage management of freight movements positions (BEM)
  • Massive PDF archiving of passive Invoice scans
  • Document filing for authorization to pay the invoice requests
  • Document filing for payment of invoice approvals