Software Business è SAP partner open Ecosystem

Software Business ha contribuito in questi anni alla diffusione dei vantaggi del sistema ERP SAP in ambito business in molti settori di punta del sistema imprenditoriale territoriale e nazionale: food & beverage, automotive, engineering & manufacturing, oil & gas, trasporti, mill, professional service, fashion, wholesales.

Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage

The companies in the food and beverage industry that wish to undertake a growth process must adopt an ERP system or a system that can efficiently control the growing complexity of the company's management and business.

It is then necessary to quickly grow while eliminating obsolete applications, improving and automating the relationships with the GDO (service contracts, bonuses), supporting sales, planning production and supplies, and checking profitability. These are the focusing points for companies operating in the Food & Beverage that are answered in the Software Business Ltd. Solutions that are based on ERP SAP and skills acquired over the years in this area.

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The specific SAP solutions for the Automotive industry to effectively manage the peculiarities with particular attention to the supply chain processes is to have tools that are critical to ensuring the better cooperation between different operating subjects.

These solutions manage the entire product lifecycle from design to post-sales support as well as the typical business functions ranging from administration to management control, from purchases to sales involving the production processes and quality check.

Engineering & Manufacturing
Engineering & Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry represents a dynamic sector like never before due to increasingly customized productions that impact on product life cycles both in the design and after-sales phases.

In this scenario, new skills and technologies are indispensable for meeting customers’ needs. A management system as evolved as SAP can facilitate business decisions so that they are in line with or can anticipate market trends in terms of production decisions.

Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas

With increasing energy demand in a constantly changing economic environment, the oil and gas industry is facing new challenges and opportunities.

It is a source of energy and production is essential for the industry and for its complexity. It requires expertise, innovative technologies and avant-garde products.


The freight transport is a highly dynamic and complex sector where the relationship between infrastructure, logistics and technologies is a key point for the development of companies operating in various sectors (marine, rail etc.).


"MySAP Mill Products" is the vertical SAP solution for companies that produce paper, wood, textile fibers and metals. It includes features designed for the specific needs of the sectors mentioned above. Given the improvements in production technologies, today companies increasingly need the support of suitable IT tools.

Professional Service
Professional Service

Companies operating in the professional services sector pursue the challenging goal of providing high value added and qualitatively excellent services to their customers.

This objective is not easily accessible except through comprehensive management solutions such as "SAP Professional Services" which allows you to:

  • Develop complete projects and integrate services in the most efficient and profitable manner
  • Optimize the delivery of resources to projects to meet the customers’ demands all the time
  • Improve the commercial efficiency to achieve profitability targets in the medium to long term

"SAP Professional Services" thus ensures the efficient allocation of corporate resources by providing comprehensive services through scalable, repeatable processes, and by increasing the satisfaction and loyalty of its customers over time.


Companies in the Fashion industry operate in an increasingly complex market where final consumers’ expectations are increasingly high and the sales channels are in constant development with the evolution of information technology, starting at the store and going to be sold at omnichannel.

The solutions offered by SAP Software Business meet the needs of companies operating in the clothing and fashion accessories sales industry as part of chain stores, retail or e-commerce.

They offer a complete answer to the Fashion Retailer’s whole process requirements, from demand forecasting, the management of the procurement cycle to the merchandise receipt and the distribution to stores.
In addition, our solutions support the sales through the complex pricing management, promotions, seasonality and collections while remaining in line with trends and consumer tastes.


To compete successfully in the distribution sector the evolution of the market must be detected and anticipated. Today’s consumers have changed and are constantly searching for information, products and shopping experiences that are more and more complete and satisfying.

SAP solutions for distribution are able to respond to the evolving needs of the end consumer’s purchase decisions through in-depth real-time information about customers, sales outlets and distribution channels.

In fact, the solutions proposed by the Software Business help to optimize the flow of revenue, profitability and market share by:

  • Being more in line with the target assortments, price management, promotions and merchandising activities
  • Improving efficiency in procurement and supplier network management
  • Using new planning processes and forecasting costs to always be able to surprivise the company business.

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Software Business Srl is SAP open Ecosystem partner

SAP is the world leader in business software solutions, providing applications and services that foster business innovation. Over 109,000 companies in more than 120 countries have installed SAP management software.

Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage

The companies in the food and beverage industry that wish to undertake a growth process must adopt an ERP system or a system that can efficiently control the growing complexity of the company's management and business.

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Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas

With increasing energy demand in a constantly changing economic environment, the oil and gas industry is facing new challenges and opportunities.

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Professional Service
Professional Service

Companies operating in the professional services sector pursue the challenging goal of providing high value added and qualitatively excellent services to their customers.

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The specific SAP solutions for the Automotive industry to effectively manage the peculiarities with particular attention to the supply chain processes is to have tools that are critical to ensuring the better cooperation between different operating subjects.

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The freight transport is a highly dynamic and complex sector where the relationship between infrastructure, logistics and technologies is a key point for the development of companies operating in various sectors (marine, rail etc.).

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Companies in the Fashion industry operate in an increasingly complex market where final consumers’ expectations are increasingly high and the sales channels are in constant development with the evolution of information technology, starting at the store and going to be sold at omnichannel.

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Engineering & Manufacturing
Engineering & Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry represents a dynamic sector like never before due to increasingly customized productions that impact on product life cycles both in the design and after-sales phases.

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"MySAP Mill Products" is the vertical SAP solution for companies that produce paper, wood, textile fibers and metals. It includes features designed for the specific needs of the sectors mentioned above. Given the improvements in production technologies, today companies increasingly need the support of suitable IT tools.

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To compete successfully in the distribution sector the evolution of the market must be detected and anticipated. Today’s consumers have changed and are constantly searching for information, products and shopping experiences that are more and more complete and satisfying.

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